Religious education
10 Gurus, Sikhism
Ideal for CORE RE KS3 KS4
9.1 God as One (AQA B Judaism)
KS4 GCSE AQA B Catholic Christianity and Judaism.
What was the annunciation of Mary?/ Christmas lesson Christianity
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Great end of term activity before Christmas.
3 part video of the Christmas story
Creative christmas card activity, templates incl.
9.3 God as Lawgiver (AQA B Judaism)
2.2 Why is the Bible read in translation - Prophecy and Promise, Source to Summit Y7
Lesson and worksheets.
2.4 What connects the Hebrew Bible and the OT? Source to Summit Catholic Christianity KS3 Y7
Lesson Powerpoint and A3 Worksheet
Source to Summit Catholic Christianity KS3 Y7
What festivals do Jews celebrate? Passover/Pesach & Rosh Hashanah
Ideal for KS3/ KS4 CORE RE
What are the key differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims? Islam
Ideal for KS3/KS4 CORE RE
What are the Beatitudes and how were they revolutionary?
Ideal resource for KS3/KS4 (CORE) Christianity
Unit 9 Judaism Beliefs and Teachings ( AQA B CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY & JUDAISM)
Unit 9 with a lesson per topic.
9.1 God as One
9.2 God as Creator
9.3 God as Lawgiver
9.4 Life after Death
9.5 Messiah
9.6 Promised Land & Covenant with Abraham
9.7 Covenant with Sinai & 10 Commandments
9.8 Moral Principles
9.9 Sanctity of Life
9.10 Free Will & Mitzvot
Powerpoints & worksheets. Throughout you will find 5 question starter activities, discussion points, tasking, literacy aids for exam writing, exam practice questions etc
Lessons are designed around Rosenshine’s Principles.
Sikhism Knowledge Organiser
Sikhism Knowledge Organiser
The Second Vatican Council AQA B Catholic Christianity
Lesson on the Second Vatican Council
AQA B Catholic Christianity
Religious Education Positive Postcard (template for personalised edit)
A Powerpoint file for you to edit to put in your teaching name, subject name and school name at.
Once edited, copy and paste slide into a word doc to print for print outs.
12 Marker AQA Formative Assessment Writing Frame RE
Excellent support writing frame for all abilities, as well as an excellent revision tool for G&Td students.
Unit 9 Judaism Glossary Sheet (AQA B Judaism)
Key word glossary
What is faith?
LO What is faith and how do people’s experiences differ?
Ideal for KS3 / CORE RE.
Questionnaire HW task included where students will ask big questions of faith to a person in their community.
Create your own religion activity (End of term)
Create your own religion activity KS3/KS4
What is meant by prophecy?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Explores the meaning of prophecy
Harry Potter & Prophecy
How easy is it for us to do what Jesus wants us to do?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Who is Jesus?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.